Master Watershed File: file.cio Project Description: General Input/Output section (file.cio): 10/28/2024 12:00:00 AM ARCGIS-SWAT interface AV General Information/Watershed Configuration: fig.fig 24 | NBYR : Number of years simulated 2000 | IYR : Beginning year of simulation 1 | IDAF : Beginning julian day of simulation 365 | IDAL : Ending julian day of simulation Climate: 0 | IGEN : Random number seed cycle code 1 | PCPSIM : precipitation simulation code: 1=measured, 2=simulated 0 | IDT : Rainfall data time step 0 | IDIST : rainfall distribution code: 0 skewed, 1 exponential 1.300 | REXP : Exponent for IDIST=1 1 | NRGAGE: number of pcp files used in simulation 5 | NRTOT: number of precip gage records used in simulation 5 | NRGFIL: number of gage records in each pcp file 1 | TMPSIM: temperature simulation code: 1=measured, 2=simulated 1 | NTGAGE: number of tmp files used in simulation 5 | NTTOT: number of temp gage records used in simulation 5 | NTGFIL: number of gage records in each tmp file 2 | SLRSIM : Solar radiation simulation Code: 1=measured, 2=simulated 0 | NSTOT: number of solar radiation records in slr file 2 | RHSIM : relative humidity simulation code: 1=measured, 2=simulated 0 | NHTOT: number of relative humidity records in hmd file 2 | WINDSIM : Windspeed simulation code: 1=measured, 2=simulated 0 | NWTOT: number of wind speed records in wnd file 0 | FCSTYR: beginning year of forecast period 0 | FCSTDAY: beginning julian date of forecast period 0 | FCSTCYCLES: number of time to simulate forecast period Precipitation Files: pcp1.pcp Temperature Files: tmp1.tmp | SLRFILE: name of solar radiation file | RHFILE: name of relative humidity file | WNDFILE: name of wind speed file cst.cst | FCSTFILE: name of forecast data file Watershed Modeling Options: basins.bsn | BSNFILE: name of basin input file Database Files: plant.dat | PLANTDB: name of plant growth database file till.dat | TILLDB: name of tillage database file pest.dat | PESTDB: name of pesticide database file fert.dat | FERTDB: name of fertilizer database file urban.dat | URBANDB: name of urban database file Special Projects: 0 | ISPROJ: special project: 1=repeat simulation 0 | ICLB: auto-calibration option: 0=no, 1=yes | CALFILE: auto-calibration parameter file Output Information: 0 | IPRINT: print code (month, day, year) 3 | NYSKIP: number of years to skip output printing/summarization 0 | ILOG: streamflow print code: 1=print log of streamflow 0 | IPRP: print code for output.pst file: 1= print pesticide output Starting Output Variable Section Reach output variables: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subbasin output variables: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HRU output variables: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HRU data to be printed: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ATMOSPERIC DEPOSITION ATMO.ATM 0 | IPHR: print code for hourly output 0=no 1=yes (hourq.out) 0 | ISTO: print code for soil storage 0=no 1=yes (output.swr) 0 | ISOL: Code for printing phosphorus/nitrogen in soil profile (output.snu) 0 | I_SUBW: Code for routing headwaters septwq.dat 0 | IA_B: Code for binary output of files (.rch, .sub, .hru files only) 0 | IHUMUS: Print watqual.out file 0=no 1=yes (output.wql) 0 | ITEMP: 0=print no file(s) 1=print output.vel/output.dep 0 | ISNOW: 0=do not print snowband.out; 1=print output.snw 0 | IMGT: 0=do not print output.mtg; 1=print output.mgt 0 | IWTR: Code for printing output.pot and output.wtr files 0 | ICALEN: Code for printing out calendar or julian dates to .rch, .sub and .hru files